FrontLine First Video Production Case Study

FrontLine First provides no-cost faith-based trauma healing courses for first responders, combat veterans and their spouses/significant others in the greater Sacramento area.

FrontLine First approached us with a need to create videos for several purposes, including;

A video to show at their Annual Fundraising Dinner with 100+ attendees, to help encourage more donations at the event:


Who We Are video to add to their website, and to easily answer when people ask what they do, they can simply send the video link to explain. Good for email outreach. Click To Watch Video.


Sometimes first responders would enroll in the classes, but never show-up. We created these two short videos meant to include in e-mail follow-ups to encourage no-shows to actually commit to the program!

Encouragement Video 1


Encouragement Video 2


We find out your business goals for the video(s), then we create a rough outline, see attached example of an outline, then with the outline we can send you a firm price for production of your video(s).

You can find all the videos on Frontline First’s YouTube channel here.

If you like what you see and want to get a firm price quote, the next steps would be to meet and put together a creative brief for each video you want.

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